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Gautier Middle School

Band » FAQ and Links to Help

FAQ and Links to Help

Q:  I've never played music and neither has my child.  Is it necessary to be in the band?
A:  Absolutely not!  This is where we come in to help your child!  With teaching from us and practice from your child, he or she should be able to become a proficient musician.
Q: How will my child earn their grade in band?
A:  Students will have homework checks and playing tests.  Homework check is a small playing quiz during class where I will check to see how they're working on their homework assigned for practice.  Also, students will have a playing test each week.  Intermediate students will do the majority of their tests during class on Friday, and varsity band students will submit their playing tests through video on Canvas.  
Q:  My child keeps telling me they have no homework.  Is this true?
A:  No!  There is always something we're working on for band and nightly practice is imperative towards your child's success in band.  A little practice each night is so much better than trying to cram it all in one night.  Please encourage your child to practice their instrument!
Q:  My child is struggling with note name quizzes!  Where can I get help?
A:!  It's one of the best websites to help with almost anything middle school band related!
Here is a link to Note Identification Practice:  Note Identification on Music Theory
Q:  I can't hold a steady beat!  Where can I get a metronome?
A.  You can get a metronome at any music store.  If you have a smart device, you can download a metronome app.  There are plenty of free metronome apps as well!  
Here is a link to a free metronome online: Free Online Metronome
If you have a question, please don't hesitate to email Mrs. Smith.