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Gautier Middle School

Our School » Counseling Corner

Counseling Corner

About Us

Gautier Middle School has two school counselors available to help your student grow academically, social-emotionally, and in a career-oriented nature. We are also available to assist in student crisis situations. Counselors are assigned to grade levels, but will help any student in need. Helping students become the amazing young men and women they were meant to be is the #1 goal of our department.
Leah Stokes, 7th grade counselor 
Stephanie Brown, 8th grade counselor 

Services We Provide

  • Individual Counseling 
  • Classroom Guidance
  • Small Group Counseling
  • Crisis Response
  • MTSS Coordination and Support
  • PBIS Coordination and Implementation
  • Whole Child Education Coordination and Implementation
  • Outside Agency Referrals
These are some, but not all, of the services we provide to our students. Please note that we are not licensed to provide intensive mental health counseling, but we will be more than happy to assist you in finding what is best for your student.